OMG will be pretty happy with themselves after picking up a 2-0 victory against DMO which included a completely one-sided victory in game 1.

Game 1

OMG controlled the pace in the first 15 minutes of the game, holding a 3-0 kill lead and a 23.9K to 22.9K gold lead. Both teams traded the first tower down within seconds of each other, but DMO didn’t answer well against OMG – who got a free T2 tower.

It was a story of complete domination for OMG, and 25 minutes in, they were ahead 5-0 in kills and 5k in gold. The 25th minute saw a big push from OMG that saw them delete four DMO players in their own base to ensure the victory.

The game was over with just under 26 minutes played. GMO finished the stomping with 46.9K gold vs 38.1K and 9 kills to 0.

Xiaopeng, who was expected to come up big for DMO, just didn’t have any answers in the first game, while Icon and H4cker had big games for OMG.

Game 2

DMO banned Aurelia for the second game, showing a great amount of respect for Icon’s performance in Game 1. Icon went with an Ekko pick.

DMO were able to secure the first dragon, providing some early pressure as well. At the eight-minute mark the they were able to get the first kill of the game as OMG grabbed the herald.

DMO were ahead 2-1 on the scoreboard and with a 1K gold lead with 15 minutes played. However, it was not meant to be.

OMG used good side lane control to put pressure on DMO, forcing them to waste their herald after 20 minutes. They ended up trading two towers at a price of allowing DMO to pick up another drake.

The teams were both wary about engaging in big team fights. Smart and patient play by OMG allowed them come back to take the goal lead 40K to 38K – and never looked back.

OMG’s patience gave them control of the latter stages of the matchup. What turned out to be the play of the game was Icon sacrificing himself to take down another tower. It looked to be a silly move at first, but it looked like that was the plan all along. Icon looked like he saw the future, because he knew his teammates would be able to get the best of a big team fight against DMO at dragon and were then able to finish the win thanks to that clear lane.