Vici Gaming, Royal Never Give Up, Suning, and JD Gaming are the teams that will play for the third day of Week 2 in the LPL 2020 Summer Season. Looking at the names, the diversity in skill level is amazing, and despite favorites, one cannot count out the others due to their performance in earlier days.

Vici Gaming versus Royal Never Give Up

Vici Gaming placed 9th during the spring season, while Royal Never Give Up placed 7th in the same league.

Now in the summer season, they both sit on 3rd place with both 1 series win and 2 straight games won. The odds at a glance look pretty close and it now boils down to whether RNG can prove themselves to keep their footing in the realm of qualifying for the semifinals.

Vici Gaming’s performance in the summer split is commendable due to the team’s top-jungle duo in Aix and Cube, who have coincidentally garnered the MVPs for their games. Aix is a jungler who feels like a support, acting like a helping hand that always reaches out for his teammates.

Meanwhile, we have yet to see Leyan play in Vici Gaming after moving from Invictus Gaming during the offseason due to some complications with their synergy during the spring playoffs.

Royal Never Give Up also has their ace jungler in the form of XLB, known for his aggressive jungle picks like Lee Sin and Jarvan IV in their game against Oh My God. He synergizes extremely well with his teammates, especially with the new AD carry player Betty replacing the retired legend Uzi.

Overall, RNG has the upper hand in the roster, and Vici Gaming has to understand that in this series, the better jungler wins.

Suning versus JD Gaming

Suning placed 11th in the regular season, and they are now facing up against the 2020 LPL Spring champion, JingDong Gaming.

Having games in the first week certainly gave Suning the warm-up to get comfy into the long double round-robin of the summer, but having to match against the spring champion has to be a tall order this early on in the split.

Given their current standing, they actually are playing well. Every active player in the roster—except for SwordArt—has obtained an MVP last week. However, don’t discount the support because he helped all his teammates on reaching the necessary powerspikes and opened up opportunities to make things happen.

JD Gaming needs no introduction. As the spring champions, their terror comes in the form of amazing teamfighting and skirmishing, ready to outplay anyone, anywhere. While losing to FunPlus Phoenix in the Mid-Season Cup tells that they’re not the “best” spring champion in LPL history, they’re still an elite team to be reckoned with.

This will be JD Gaming’s first game of the summer split, and unfortunately for Suning fans out there, JDG is looking to have a free win to start off their tournament run.